Bear Warning

Bear Warning

Due to the frequency of human-bear encounters, the B.C. Fish and Wildlife Branch is advising hikers, hunters, fishermen and any persons that use the out of doors in a recreational or work related function to take extra precautions while in the field. We advise the...

Bear Warning

Grand Slam Update

So one of my goals in each season that I play in the APA is to acquire a Grand Slam patch. A Grand Slam patch is a patch that you can only get one of in a session. This accomplishment happens when you get the 9 on the break, 9 ball break and run, 8 on the break, and 8...

Bear Warning

Fall Session 2012

Well the fall session is upon us. I am back up to 5 nights week. Last week was the first week of the season so I am looking forward to having the schedule set and knowing where I will be. It is going to be an interesting season. Last Thursday I played another 6 in 9...

Bear Warning

Degradation of Image Quality

So image quality has a lot to do with the speed at which a website loads.  It has a lot to do with how it looks on the webpage as well.  It is a good idea to shrink down images and make them the size you want to display on the page and then give someone the option to...

What you do every day matters more than what you do every once in a while.

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Cue Repair

Billiard Greg's Cue Repair

Pool Table Services

Nine Ball Billiards | Pool Table Services
