Software Engineer Joke
Heard a software engineer joke that I really like.

WordPress Plugin Development
Well it has finally happened.  I have a  couple of plugins now listed in the WordPress Plugin repository.  I have been working on customized plugins for clients and have even created some from scratch.  While working on my site I wanted to bring over some...

Time limits, Timeouts, and New Players
In General when it comes to timeouts skill levels 3 and below get 2 times outs in normal league play. Â When it comes to regionals and above this is usually cut down to 1 time out for everyone to ensure play moves along at a steady pace. Â Average shots should take...

Beginning of a new session
Well once again it is the beginning of a new session here in my pool league. We have already played one full week of league and so far I am happy with the way I have been shooting. So far in my quest for the Grand Slam Patch I have been lucky enough to get 2 towards...

This rule comes out of the APA Pool League @poolplayers Team Manual. Every now and then it is good to remember the rules in place. 32. NO PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS ALLOWED This League is intended for amateurs, and the APA reserves the right to reject or cancel the...

BilliardGreg.com 2012 Annual Report
So the people at WordPress.com are giving people their blog statistics in a nice format.  It closely reminds me of the live statistics being shared during the Summer Olympics just recently.  Please feel free to take a look at my statistics for my BilliardGreg.com...

What you can handle?
The world only gives you what it thinks you can handle... When we go through life we come across many obstacles. Of course some are harder than others but what people have to realize that we can accomplish what is set forth in front of us.  Gathering the strength to...

Rule of the Day: 10. SPLITTING MATCHES
This rule comes out of the APA Pool League @poolplayers Team Manual on page 28. Every now and then it is good to remember the rules in place. Not only does it insure everyone is playing on the same level, but it also shows how people can be. 10. SPLITTING MATCHES...

Road to the Grand Slam
Well in my many league nights I have acquired many patches. From the 8 on the breaks to the 9 ball break and runs it is always nice to grow your collection but there is one patch that I really enjoy collecting. That is the Grand Slam patch. I have been lucky enough to...

Winning 8-Ball Tip #3: Stripes and Solids. DO's and DON'Ts By Samm Diep and Pooldawg.com
You would think the game of 8 ball you have been playing is simple enough. Here is an article written by Samm Diep about some of the Do's and Don'ts of 8 Ball. Some are interesting points and some I would hope are common sense. Enjoy the article. Winning 8 Ball Tip...