Regional first round
First round of 9 ball out in Holyoke at Ivory Billiards went well. My team won the first three matches and lost the 4th one. Then I played against a 5 as a 6 and only needed 13 points to give us the win. I won the lag so I got to break first. I break and make 3...

Almost Made It: In Both Senses
Thursday night my APA 9 ball team played at the Elks in Woburn. Was a nice team to play against in the sense that they where good sports in all levels of play, which no drama was a nice change of pace. They had two tables in a small room in the back so room was a...

Show him your badge!!
A DEA officer stopped at our farm yesterday “I need to inspect your farm for illegal growing drugs.” I said “Okay , but don’t go in that field over there.....”, The DEA officer verbally exploded saying, ” Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with...

Disgust, Poor Sportsmanship, and the APA: Back Story
So there has been plenty of times when playing in the APA were poor sportsmanship has come into play. Playing many different people sometimes there are some that just stick out as people you don't even want to play. Rare occasions it's the whole team that you don't...

Phonetic Translation: Lost in Interpretation
This video has been one of my favorite humor videos ever since I found it many years ago. I can not help but crack up laughing every time I listen to this video. I hope you are able to find it as humorous as I have. [iframeyoutube...

Bad Night of Play
Well once again I have seen some poor sportsmanship that has made me realize that some people should go to the leagues that like whiners. In general people try to give other people the benefit of a doubt when certain things come up. When I play I will try to give...

TAP 8 Ball Break and Run
Got my first achievement award in the TAP league. I played a 4 last week and got an 8 Ball Break and Run. I think it is cool that you are going to be able to choose either a patch or a pin for the different achievements you can get.

TAP League
So I have been playing in this new league called the TAP League. It is a league that is call the ball and call the pocket kind of shooting. It is a nice change from the slop play of the APA and the people that are rated below what their handicap should be....

Top Performer
So the APA Spring Session of 2013 is going to go down as a memorable one for me. I played some good players and played well. My consistency was there at least for two of the nights that I played. My Wednesday Night 8 Ball team and my Thursday Night 9 Ball team. On my...

The Diamond System
I am always looking for different systems to incorporate into my game. Finding that some work for me better than others but I feel it is good to share every one as you never know what might work for friends. Here is an article titled "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best...