My Match at the Claddagh in the Tri Cup
Well I played a 5 as a 6 tonight. I have seen this person play at the before so I know it was a decent match. I had a 9 ball break and run but it wasn't enough tonight. At the end I needed 2 and he needed 6 and he was able to run out the 6 balls that he needed. It is...

Tri Cup at Claddagh Pub in Lawrence
Well I am at the Claddagh Pub in Lawrence again. Playing 9 Ball for my team out of Tewksbury VFW. We made it through the almost made it tournament a couple weeks ago. If we win tonight we come back tomorrow to see if we make it to the next level.

Playing a good player
Well last Thursday I played a good player. His ranking is a 7 in the CMPL and I can say I have never seen a performance like that. The race was 7 games to my 5 games. First game was the closest game to winning I had. He broke and I ran down to the 8 but scratched...

Loosing Gracefully
Last night I played at Captain John's tonight. We had 5 people there but our lower players didn't show up so we couldn't make numbers the way we would have liked to, so we had to play a ghost. That means that we allowed the opponent to pick our last player of the...

Displaying My Collection
So originally I had my first Grand Slam Patch with the four patches needed to get it in a frame. I have since decided to turn the frame into a collection displaying the patches that I have earned over the years. It also highlights when I joined the APA League.

Playing in Tournaments
Playing in Tournaments is truly a different breed of game then normal league nights. The only real way to be prepared for a tournament is having played in many. Staying focused and realizing that you are the one at the table playing your game. Tournaments can be a...

Rookie Mistake
Well I am the first to advocate taking your time when shooting pool. Boy should I have heeded that suggestion this past weekend in the March Madness Tournament down in Break-Away Billiards Clinton, MA. We fought our way through 4 rounds of team play going to the 5th...

Almost Made It Tournament
Well two of my teams were lucky enough to make it into the Almost Made it Tournament of the APA. My Wednesday night 8 ball team, The Lady and the Tramps, is one. The other one is my Thursday night 9 ball team, Drawing a Blank, is the other one. So the first Almost...

Grand Slam Patch Update
Well it is the last week that I am going to have a chance to get the 9 ball break and run patch. They throw up a 6 so instead of seeing if they would low ball me my team decided to play me. I am playing another 6 so I know it is going to be a good match. He wins the...

To have played or not to have played…
So the top performer award goes to the person with the best win percentage for that evening's league. I have been lucky enough to earn it during the Spring of 2011 session for my Sunday night Lowell 8 ball double jeopardy team. I also was lucky enough to get it for my...