by Billiard Greg | Apr 9, 2015 | Uncategorized
So here is the latest collection of awards from my Thursday Night TAP league. My team took first so I got the top middle medal. I took the Top Shooter for skill level 4-5s so I got the patch and and plaque you see on the right. I got Best Over-All 5 Category for...
by Billiard Greg | Apr 8, 2015 | General, Pool Stories
So unfortunately this has been weighing on my mind lately so I felt the need to get it off my chest. Even though Andy Ypya did this to me around 8 or so years ago it is still something that crosses my mind from time to time. Andy is one of the worst types of people...
by Billiard Greg | Apr 7, 2015 | 8 Ball, Billiard Greg's, League Nights, Pool, Pool Stories
So a couple of weeks ago I was playing in the APA in Gardner. We were playing at home at the Red Onion aka Otter River Hotel. I get put up and they decide to play their other 6 against me. I won the lag. I then proceeded to break and run not once but back to back....
by Billiard Greg | Mar 2, 2015 | 8 Ball, 9 Ball, Billiard Greg's, Pool
Come down to the The Red Onion AKA The Otter River Hotel, 29 Main St, Baldwinville, Massachusetts 01436 this Saturday to try your game at qualifying for the APA National Singles Championships. Tournament starts at Noon. We will be holding a 8 Ball and 9 Ball Singles...
by Billiard Greg | Feb 27, 2015 | Billiard Greg's, Billiard Products, Billiard Supplies, McDermott Cues, Pool
McDermott Cue's is selling their limited edition St Paddy's Day T-Shirts once again. For $15 I am sure they will go fast. Get your's before they sell out....