by Billiard Greg | May 20, 2014 | Billiard Greg's
In Pool and in Life, Good Decisions and Consistency make all the difference.
by Billiard Greg | Apr 9, 2014 | 8 Ball, Billiard Greg's, League Nights, Pool, Pool Stories
So on April 1st on Tuesday in my TAP League I played a skill level 4. This meant that I had to win 4 games to his 3. I knew he was a decent player and could put together a decent set of shots together to make a good run at making this a good match. He has always had a...
by Billiard Greg | Apr 9, 2014 | Billiard Greg's, Video Blog
Chris practicing jumping. No Description Chris figuring out how to jump a ball...
by Billiard Greg | Mar 12, 2014 | 9 Ball, Billiard Greg's, League Nights, Pool, Pool Stories
In pool there are a couple of never's that you should keep in mind. Never underestimate an opponent is the first one. No matter how low or how high the persons skill level you should never think you are going to win or loose. The second never is never give up. No...
by Billiard Greg | Jan 22, 2014 | Billiard Greg's, Video Blog
No Title No Description Miscued the first time but did a Happy Gilmore Pool Break on second...