This year's Mosconi Cup was going to be one for the record books. Up until this year, Team USA had been in kind of a winning drought. The last time they won the cup was 2009. In 2009 the team line ups were as follows; Team USA: Johnny Archer, Corey Duel, Oscar Dominguez, Shane Van Boening, and Dennis Hatch with captain Nick Varner playing against Team Europe: Ralf Souquet, Niels Feijen, Darren Appleton, Mika Immonen, and Thorsten Hohmann with captain Alex Lely. On day one in 2009 USA jumped out to a commanding lead winning the first 4 matches but losing the last putting them up 4 to 1. On the second day in 2009 they ended up winning 3 our of the 4 matches that were played that day putting them up overall 7 to 2. On the third day in 2009 Team Europe put together a little bit of a comeback and took 3 out of the 5 matches that day putting them up 9 to 5. Then on the fourth and final day in 2009 it went 2 to 2 with Shane Van Boening clinching the final point in a singles match against Ralf Souqut giving Team USA their 11th overall point to Team Europe's 7 points. So over the next 8 years Team Europe was able to come away with victories with varying degrees of success from jumping out to a commanding lead in the beginning or mounting great comebacks at the end.

The team line ups for the 2018 Mosconi Cup had on Team USA: Skyler Woodward, Shane Van Boening, Billy Thorpe, Tyler Styer, and Corey Duel with captain Johan Ruijsink playing against Team Europe: Eklent Kaci, Alexander Kazakis, Niels Feijen, Albin Ouschan, and Jayson Shaw with captain Marcus Chamat. The start of the 2018 Mosconi Cup had Team Europe jumping out to overall 2 to 0 lead which made a lot of people wonder if Team Europe was just going to continue with their dominance. It wasn't until the third match with a rookie to the Mosconi Cup, Tyler Styer got up to play against Niels Feijen a veteran where Team USA got their first overall point of the tournament. So instead of Team Europe jumping out to a 3 to 0 lead after three matches the overall score was just Team Europe 2 to Team USA 1. The next match was a doubles match of Kaci and Kazakis versus Van Boening and Duel. Team USA was able to pull out a 5 game to 1 game victory making the overall score tied. The 5th and final match of the day had two of the greatest players in the game going head to head, Jayson Shaw vs Shane Van Boening. Shane was shooting great and shut out Shaw with a match score of 5 to 0. After day one the overall score had Team USA with a slight lead having 3 overall points to Team Europe's two.
The second day had Shaw and Van Boening playing again but this time Shaw was able to pull out a 5 to 2 victory. Next was a doubles match with Feijen and Kazakis playing against Woodward and Van Boening . Woodward and Van Boening were victorious with a overall match score of 5 points to 3 points. The 3rd match was a singles match where Albin Ouschan played against Corey Duel and Albin played just a little bit better than Corey and won 5 games to 3. Going into the 4th match the overall score was tied at 4 a piece. This next match was a doubles match where Kaci and Shaw played against Thorpe and Styer. Thorpe and Styer were able to put together some nice runs and came out on top with a final match score of 5 to 2. The 5th and final match of the day had Eklent Kaci playing against Billy Thrope with Billy winning 5 games to Kaci's 3 games. Putting the overall score for the day Team USA getting 3 and Team Europe getting 2 which duplicated what day one's score was. The overall total was now Team USA leading with 6 points to Team Europe having 4 points.
The third day was scheduled to have 3 doubles matches and 2 singles matches. The first match was Feijen and Ouschan playing against Woodward and Styer . This match could of gone either way but with both teams on the hill, Woodward and Styer were able to pull out another victory for Team USA. The next match was a singles match with Alexander Kazakis playing against Skyler Woodward . Skyler played amazing again and won 5 games to Kazakis's 3 games making the overall score now 8 points for Team USA to 4 points for Team Europe. The third match was a doubles match with Kaci and Feijen playing against Styer and Deuel. Deuel and Styer had a hard time jelling together even though they brought it to the hill but both were leaving the other person with shots that were tougher than they needed to be. Kaci and Feijen were able to pull out a victory with a final match score of 5 games to 4. The 4th match had Jason Shaw playing against Skyler Woodward in a singles match. It seemed that in this game the table was not Shaw's friend which opened the door for Woodward to win with them both on the hill. The final doubles match of the day had Kazakis and Ouschan playing against Van Boening and Thorpe and Team Europe ran away with it 4 games to 1 game. Making the day's overall score again 3 points for Team USA and 2 points for Team Europe. This put Team USA within shooting distance of winning with the overall score being 9 points for Team USA and 6 points for Team Europe when the first team to 11 points is declared the winner.
The fourth day had all singles matches scheduled. First match was Albin Ouschan versus Skyler Woodward and they both took it to the hill. Skyler was able to edge out Albin and won 5 games to 4 games. The next match had Jayson Shaw playing against Tyler Styer to which Shaw won 5 games to 3. The 3rd match had veterans Niels Feijen playing against Corey Duel, Niels pulled out a 5 game to 1 victory against Corey. Team Europe showing a lot of heart and that they still had a lot of fight left in them as the overall score was now Team USA with 10 points and Team Europe with 8 points. The next match had young guns Eklent Kaci playing against Billy Thorpe and Kaci was able to pull a 5 game to 2 game victory. If Team Europe was able to win the next 5th and final match of the day, they would of sent it into a captain's pick match where the captain from each team would pick their player to break the tie. So the 5th match starts with Alexander Kazakis playing against Shane Van Boening. For the final shot of the match shane had left himself a 2 ball to 9 ball combination shot and made it interrupting Team Europe's run of winning the Mosconi Cup for the past 8 years. Shane gave big yell, shook Kazakis hand and then Team USA jumped on the table to celebrate.